Stardust Spinning Luminary SVG

Disclaimer – By clicking Add To Cart, you agree to the following: Use incandescent light bulbs at your own risk. Do not leave lamp unattended. If using incandescent light bulbs, do not exceed 60 Watts.

Please Read “Supply List” tab (below) as this project requires non-paper elements in order to recreate product as shown. Be sure you can source the necessary electrical parts before ordering SVG file. Your order does not include electrical portion.

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Tips To Help Your Lamp Spin

  • Do your best to make sure that the tip is perfectly vertical. The harp can be adjusted to ensure that the tip is perfectly centered and vertical.
  • Make sure your acorn nut and washer are glued together VERY well and that both are glued to the paper VERY securely. If they are loose, this mechanism will lose torque and cause your lamp to spin intermittently or not at all.
  • Keep your lamp away from central air vents. These sources of air can create opposing forces that can stall your lampshade.
  • Make sure everything is centered and not tilted to one side. Too much weight on one side can cause an imbalance which may cause your lampshade to stall.
  • Adjust the vents at the top of the lamp. Typically the lower they are, the faster the lampshade will spin and vice versa.
  • Various changes in air temperature and drafts or gusts of air can disrupt spinning.
  • Your lamp may not spin right away. Give it a few minutes to warm up and accumulate hot air.

(H)eight x (W)idth x (D)epth in Inches
  • Stardust Spinning Luminary - 6"W x 11"H x 6"D

Paper Portion

  • 4 Sheets of 12x12 Blue Cardstock
  • 3 Sheets of 12x12 Purple Cardstock
  • 2 Sheets of 12x12 Pattern Paper
  • 1 Sheet of 12x12 Silver Glitter Paper
  • 2 Sheets of 8.5x11 Vellum (Buy on Amazon)
  • Glue (Buy on Amazon)
Cardstock used was American Crafts. Glitter paper is from DCWV's Glitzy Glitter Stack (Buy on Amazon). Patterned paper is from DCWV's The Lodge Stack (Buy on Amazon)

Electrical Portion

Select ONE of the Electrical Options below. Both options are the same minus the canning jar lamp adapter option. Option 1
  • Darice Canning Jar Lamp Adapter Zinc/Small Mouth (Buy on Amazon)
  • 60 Watt Light Bulb (Buy on Amazon)
  • Light Bulb Harp 3.2" x 3.1" x 0.7" (ASIN# B008LBY3JO) (Buy on Amazon) (Buy on
  • Acorn Nut (#6-32) Blue Hawk Brand - Part# 605244 Purchase at local hardware store OR (Buy on - Make sure that the inside of the acorn nut is round and smooth if you cannot find the "Blue Hawk" brand.
  • Flat Zinc Washers (1/4") Blue Hawk/Hillman Brand - Part# 490687 - Purchase at local hardware store OR (Buy on
  • Aluminum Push Pin (Metal Pushpin Required) Buy at local office supply store OR (Buy on Amazon)
  • PC Products PC-Fahrenheit Moldable Epoxy Putty (Buy on Amazon)
  • Paper Mate Medium Point 1.0mm Pens (Buy on Amazon)
Option 2
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